
2021年11月19日・20日に、Health, Body, and the Profit Motive: Medicine as a Business inHistoryという国際学会がZOOMで開催されます。医学史や経営史を専門とされる研究者を集め、あらゆる角度から医療と資本主義の関係の歴史を探るイベントで、英語で研究発表を行う機会となります。主題発表者として大阪大学で日本の医療産業史を研究されているPierre-Yves Donze先生がご招待されます。


Health, Body, and the Profit Motive: Medicine as a Business in History – Call
for Papers (CFP)

A free online conference organised by the Historians’ Workshop and the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Economics, to be held live via Zoom.

Friday 19 – Saturday 20 November 2021, 5-9 pm JST

This international conference explores medicine’s co-dependent relationship with business and capitalism. Commentators past and present have viewed medicine as a ‘public good’ that risks becoming inefficient or undersupplied when exposed too much to market competition. However, across different historical and regional contexts, forces of self-interest and the profit motive have consistently shaped matters pertaining to our health and body, often to a surprising degree. In a recent discussion piece in the Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2020), Christy Ford Chapin points to intersections where both medical historians as well as economic and business historians have, often unknowingly, made huge strides in one another’s research themes. This two-day event aims to identify these intersections and interrogate what they mean to our understanding of medical knowledge and practice.

We welcome a variety of papers that may deal with, but are not necessarily
restricted to, the following themes:

-Medicine and health as a business: private health care and insurance, pharmaceuticals, health and fitness products, the wellness industry
-The public-private dynamic in health care systems
-Industry funding of medical research and their epistemological impacts
-Discourses on health and the body in marketing and advertising
-Profit-driven disease risks and health hazards
-Attitudes towards capitalist systems and practices among medical professionals
-History of health economics
-Capitalist medical practices in non-capitalist economies and societies

Proposals for individual papers of 20 minutes or panels of up to 90 minutes are invited relating to the theme of this event. Abstracts of ~300 words and a CV for individual speakers, or panel blurbs of ~400 words and individual abstracts & CVs for each speaker, should be sent to Ryosuke Yokoe at medicine.as.business.2021@gmail.com by 17 September 2021.

The Historians’ Workshop is proud to host this English-language symposium at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Economics. We aim to create an open space for scholars from across the world to share research that is both completed and work-in-progress and to establish new networks between historical researchers in Japan and abroad.

Plenary Speaker – Professor Pierre-Yves Donzé (Professor of Business History, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University)
Author of Making Medicine a Business: X-ray Technology, Global Competition, and the Transformation of the Japanese Medical System, 1895-1945

Dates: Friday 19 – Saturday 20 November, 5-9 pm JST
Deadline for Abstracts: 17 September 2021, send to
Expected number of speakers: 11
Location: Online (Zoom)
Language: English
Participation: Free, registration required

If you have any questions, please email Ryosuke Yokoe at
