IUHPST/DHST オンラインワークショップのご案内

In 2025, the DHST will offer a series of free online workshops to foster the worldwide integration and inclusion of early career scholars. Organized by Barbara Hof (DHST Commission on Science, Technology and Diplomacy) and Climério da Silva Neto (Inter-Union Commission on the History and Philosophy of Physics), the workshops will address topics that often fall short in university programs but are of general interest and importance. Participants are encouraged to engage in critical reflection on academic practices and the profession itself, based on input by an internationally diverse cohort of scholars.

Some sessions are designed to generate advanced knowledge of work environments in academia, some provide a behind-the-scenes look at the publication process, while others delve into specialized methods. Each session will be held on a Thursday in the first half of 2025 and will last for 1.5 hours.

The full program is attached, and you can find more information here: https://dhstweb.org/archives/1251